How to Create a Comprehensive Online Assessment for Employee Selection


The competitive nature of hiring demands tools that streamline the process by accurately screening potential candidates before they reach the interview stage. Pre-employment online assessments are pivotal in identifying those most likely to succeed in their roles efficiently. Read on to learn how to learn how to create a comprehensive online assessment to filter right-fit candidates.

Purpose of an Employment Assessment

The purpose of an pre-employment assessment is to systematically evaluate job candidates to determine their suitability for specific roles. These assessments are designed to measure a range of skills, from cognitive abilities to personality traits, depending on the job requirements. They help reduce the subjective nature of hiring decisions, provide a consistent basis for comparison, and can significantly cut down the time and resources spent on interviewing unsuitable candidates.

Types of Employment Assessments

Employment assessments can vary significantly depending on the competencies they are designed to measure. Here are a few common types:

  1. Skill Assessments: These tests measure specific professional skills like coding, writing, or problem-solving abilities. They are tailored to assess whether a candidate possesses the technical skills necessary for a particular job.
  2. Personality Assessments: These aim to outline behavioral traits and help predict how a candidate might fit into a team or company culture.
  3. Cognitive Ability Assessments: These tests evaluate a candidate’s ability to think critically, solve problems, and digest and apply new information.
  4. Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs): These assessments present prospective candidates with hypothetical, job-related situations, and ask them to identify the most appropriate response from a set of given options.

Steps to Create a Comprehensive Assessment

  1. Define the Role Requirements: Clearly outline the skills, knowledge, and traits that are crucial for success in the role. This will guide the content and structure of your assessment.
  2. Choose the Right Type of Assessment: Depending on the role, decide which types of tests (skill, personality, cognitive) will best predict candidate success.
  3. Develop the Assessment Content: Create or source questions that accurately measure the relevant abilities and traits. Ensure that the questions are valid (they measure what they claim to measure) and reliable (they provide consistent results).
  4. Test the Assessment for Validity and Reliability: Pilot your assessment with a small group to ensure it is functioning as intended. Adjust as necessary to improve accuracy and fairness.
  5. Implement the Assessment: Integrate the assessment into your hiring process. Decide at which stage candidates will take the test, and determine how the results will influence hiring decisions.
  6. Review and Refine: Continuously collect feedback on the assessment process and outcomes. Use this data to refine the assessment over time to better meet your hiring needs.
